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Author Archives: freelander
Is order boring?
Austria and Germany are so come to terms with their common identity that, by way of border roadsign, there’s only the twelve yellow stars on blue background; a sign that passes almost unnoticed. However, being socially almost identical (at least around … Continue reading
A snapshot of Austria (and a travel tip).
After spending two nights in Bormio I’m on the road again. I ride once more the eighty six bends of the Stelvio pass and, then, a few more kilometres along Italian lands take me to Austria, a country which soon … Continue reading
Passo dello Stelvio.
Just by chance, not knowing anything about the region nor having ever heard about Stelvio, this has turned out to be a true “biker” stage in my trip, along a route -from Cernobbio to Bormio- frequented by thousands of motorcyclers … Continue reading
Journey to nowhere. Storm.
The sky is threatening rain since noon, and I can’t blame anyone but myself for the soaking. But let’s not go ahead of time. I depart from Chiomonte (where I’ve stayed overnight) without any hurry for leaving behind the Piedmont, … Continue reading
The great fortress.
When Napoleon occupied Cherasco, after several defeats upon the Piedmontese, one of his conditions for granting them the armistice was the demolition of the Exilles fortress, an impregnable emplacement too dangerous to be left on foot. It is said that its … Continue reading
The last of France.
Vaison-la-Romaine, where I spent the last night, puts an end to the lowlands I’ve had to cross: the easternmost side of the Roussilion. Thence, and heading to the rising sun, the ground gets slowly higher in altitude, starts rippling again … Continue reading
Lost in wilderness.
Let me say in advance that this “lost” is a figure of speech, mainly to make the title look more attractive; a bait, so to say. Yet some of it is true. As I was saying in the previous chapter, … Continue reading
The shortest full documentary about Poland ever made.
It happened by chance; I didn’t plan it. I had just crossed the border and stopped in the first Polish village offering accomodation. After settling in at the hotel, I went for a walk and took the camera with me. … Continue reading