Category Archives: Essay

Where I dump some of my mental burden

The Green agenda hoax

Being a genuine environmentalist myself since my early teens–that is, four decades before I begun being interested in politics–I don’t think any single human being can lecture me on what loving nature and respecting the planet does mean. Except for … Continue reading

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Global agenda and war in Donbass

Index 1. The global agenda 2. The war in Donbass 3. Revving up goals fulfillment 4. The question The information channels I usually follow to be updated on the war in Donbass and its political implications agree, among other things, … Continue reading

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The legal right to murder

During a psychology course I attended some decades ago, the lecturer asked us to answer -anonymously- the following question: Would you be able to kill someone if you knew for sure you weren’t going to be found responsible or suspect, … Continue reading

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Close encounters of the second kind

I liked him at first sight. He was a tall and somewhat ungraceful man of crude and unusual features–as if his face had been left unfinished by the sculptor–suggestive of a sound yet silent character. We had met at a … Continue reading

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The ‘Time passed away’ carol

When passing by the function room at the Orthodox Institute, the man hears a choir of child-like voices, and –curious– peeps through the laces of the glass doors. He sees a group of children rehearsing Christmas carols, conducted by a … Continue reading

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The cosmic connection

Dedicated to Andrada It was years before my natural curiosity and my studies took me to tread the paths of science; before I had any interest in knowledge; it was in my early adolescence, when everything is yet to be … Continue reading

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Christmas Eve among bums

It’s Christmas Eve. A big full moon, very round and white, shines on the pure black of a Polish night. I drag my Christmas loneliness, on an empty stomach, along the cold and deserted streets of Bialystok. What am I … Continue reading

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Lately I’ve been thinking…

Opinions versus judgement Much more important than opinions is judgement. Opinions — our takes on social or political subjects, our views, can be easily manipulated and may well have been instilled into us; we may have taken them from our … Continue reading

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