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Category Archives: Cinema & literature
Moscow does not believe in tears
Transcending any genre cage, Moskva slezam ne verit is probably the first Soviet movie I see that does not end tragically. But it is not the less ‘Russian’ for that – not the less touching. On the contrary, it is … Continue reading
The dawns here are quiet
I’m a devotee of Russian cinema because it almost never disappoints me, and it takes in fact a pre-eminent place among my all-times favourites. Títles such as Siberiad, Solaris, Uncle Vania, Dersu Uzala o Moscow does not believe in tears, … Continue reading
Solaris (film review)
“Science? Nonsense! In our situation, mediocrity and genius are equally useless. We have no interest in conquering any cosmos: we want to extend the Earth to the borders of cosmos. We don’t know what to do with other worlds. We … Continue reading
The Russia House
Desde que la vi por primera vez, poco después de su estreno, en el año 91, sentí una inmediata fascinación por La Casa Rusia; una fascinación que, con el tiempo, se ha convertido en debilidad. He de admitir que, … Continue reading
The three loves of Notre-Dame de Paris
(The notes you’re about to read have been written considering the characters as they’re shown and pictured in the musical theatre “Notre Dame de Paris” which opened in Paris in 1999. As I haven’t seen or read any other versions of the … Continue reading
Last lines of Lolita
This note is just a quotation of a paragraph (from the website Reading group center) with which I totally agree and empathyse: The last lines of Lolita are: “I am thinking of aurochs and angels, the secret of durable pigments, … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema & literature
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