On nuclear porn

Most people would  agree with the idea that the world is basically governed by Big Money. There are exceptions, but I think we may assume as a fact that this is the general rule. Better informed ones would be able to go a bit further, and point to a few instances of individuals or institutions who are at the top of the Big Money pyramid. Surnames like Rockefeller, Rothschild, Du Pont, Bush, Morgan, or investment funds like Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard, to name only a few, are very familiar to most politically aware and knowledgeable citizens. These families and their funds own big chunks of (when not totally) the most important corporations in the world, in key sectors like energy (Big Oil), media and entertainment, banking, weapons industry, computing, mining, pharmacy (Big Pharma), fertilizers, etc. Thus, multinationals like Exxon, Shell, Texaco, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, BNP, Monsanto, Ratheon, Pfizer, Bayer, and many other banks, oil companies and all sorts of firms yield astronomical amouns of money to a few dozen trilllionaire households. In turn, such wealth allows them to control, when not directly own, the most important film productors, social networks, media platforms, newspapers and even all kinds of official and unofficial institutions all over the planet, mostly in the so-called Western world: Neflix, Disney, the Hollywood propaganda industry, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, The New York times, the WHO, the WEF, and on and on (forgive me if I did not mention your favourite one). With these amounts of money, power and influence, they are in the position of basically control the world, with perhaps the exception of China, arguably Russia, and a bunch of countries economically and politically irrelevant.

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Since Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine, there has begun a tendency, widespread on virtually all the media, plus independent reporters, analysts, bloggers, vloggers, writers, influencers and whatnot, towards publicly mentioning a potential (or impending!) WWIII 3 and/or a thermonuclear war. I am sure many of these people are honestly and really afraid that such events, specially the second, may eventually come about. But, on the other hand, it is well known that no headtitle gets an article more clics than those containing either “WWIII” or “nuclear war” in it. And even readers who “simply” clic on those contents usually do not hesitate in sharing them, thus decissively contributing to their popularity and making them “viral”.

This is what I call nuclear porn. Human nature has it so that blood, violence, and its most exacerbated expression, which is war, work in our brain the same way pornography does. The psychological mechanism that keeps us staring at an almanac featuring naked women is the same one that makes drivers slow down their speed whenever they go past a fresh car crash: not for the sake of safety, but just in case they can see some corpses or split blood on the pavement. With all of which I just mean to say: Beware of scaremongers! A huge lot of them only want to entice you to clic on their articles or posts.

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Now, coming back to Big Money… do you really believe that the Rothschilds and the Morgans, Ratheon and Bayer, etc., are going to willfully let their colossal incomes go down the drainpipe under any circumstance if they can avoid it? Were a nuclear war to occur, we’d all get incinerated; and even if these obscenely rich folks do not  instantly die (be it for their supposed radiation-proof bunkers, fortified mansions or faraway islands in the Pacific), everything that generates their income will cease to exist. There will be no billionaire profits any more, nor servants to mow their lawns, waiters to tend their private clubs, corporations to yield benefits, airports to land their private jets, operas to watch, Tiffany’s to breakfast at… nothing. Please think of it for a second: at the snap of their fingers, these “elites” can change governments, dethrone kings, shift politics, promote treaties and laws, bring epidemics, wage conficts, trigger economical crisis, spark coups, change mentalities, manipulate nations and peoples… but they cannot thwart a nuclear war?? In my opinion, this would be a total inconsistence. Whomever acknowledges the immense power of Big Money cannot at the same time believe that there will be such an Armaggedon. My suggestion is: try to not let yourself be overcome by panic or induced to think, at the sight of a scary mushroom cloud in an article’s background, that this is a real possibility. Stay calm. Ignore those memes. The nuclear holocaust is not going to happen. At the very least, not because of the war in Ukraine.

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4 Responses to On nuclear porn

  1. Bob Herrschaft says:

    My comment from “Locals” applies: Agree that they’re neither united nor farsighted but that in itself is a recipe for disaster. The devil loves to delve into the details!👺

    • freelander says:

      Hello and thanks for your comment.
      Well, I have stated my view and there is little more I can say. Sometimes I wonder: “Am I holding this opinion to subconsciously reinforce my hope that I am not going to get nuked?” But my “faith” in the global elites’ selfishness and power is immense. 🙂

  2. Bob Herrschaft says:

    Oh, I don’t think you have to worry about getting nuked…but as a dissident citizen of the EU, be very careful if you get invited to Ursula’s castle. She has “ways”of bringing people around! It is said that she keeps Torquemada’s handbook of persuasion at her bedside. 😱

    • freelander says:

      Ha, ha! Well, she does not need Torquemada’s handbook. Protestant inquisitors tortured and murdered five times more heretics than the Catholic ones. At least, Torquemada opened a process for each of them and provided for a defense attorney.

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