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Category Archives: Binary world
Bye-bye to Skype & Whatsapp: welcome Viber
Since lethal Microsoft purchased and took over Skype, the product started declining. That’s an undeniable fact. I still remember the Skype malfunctions and constant freezes with a shiver, right after being bought by Gates Allmighty and for a period of … Continue reading
Posted in Binary world, Consumer
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Howto fix: black screen / adjust brightness after resume (Linux)
. In some computers with Intel graphics (maybe others as well), I’ve often come across this problem: when resuming from sleep (standby) mode, I can’t adjust the screen brightness. There is a very well known fix for this: to pass … Continue reading
Howto fix: Linux (Mint, Ubuntu) install from USB failure, drops to busybox.
More often than not, when trying to install several Linux distributions (or releases) via a USB stick created from the downloaded iso live or install image, I’ve experienced the frustration of being dropped to a busybox (which is the Linux … Continue reading
Portégé Z830 review. Fan noise fix
Note that I’m not a professional reviewer. This article merely describes my experience with the Z830; it’s a real user’s point of view. I just happen own this laptop for several months, and I’m offering the information I would’ve liked … Continue reading
Posted in Binary world, Consumer
Get rid of Acrobat's upgrade notification popup
. Are you tired of the annoying “update acrobat” Acrobat icon popping up in your screen’s lower right corner every time you switch your computer on, or access any pdf document? For getting rid of it, you can go to … Continue reading
Asus Zenbook (UX series) keyboard and other issues.
It is an awfully bad keyboard. This is the bare, unobjectionable truth; and you can really stop reading here, because what follows is only an explanation why. As a professional, I’ve used many computers in my life, last generation ultrabooks … Continue reading
Posted in Binary world, Consumer
gstatic.com makes websites slow
. For the past week or so, I’m experiencing a sensible slowness in my browsing experience: recently I often don’t manage to open Google maps, and at the same time some other websites, having -theoretically- nothing whatsoever to do with … Continue reading
Fix for Macbook white screen of death. Shame on Apple!
If one day, on booting your Macbook (likely, after doing some serious modification to your hdd or filesystems), you hear the startup chime but you get an empty white screen showing no activity at all, which stays there forever, then … Continue reading